59 Butaleja ADF victims to be reunited with their families after being rescued by police
Enanga said the rescued victims including juveniles were recruited into terrorism activities from different regions of the country after being promised scholarships and jobs abroad.

Police have rescued 59 victims from the ADF cell in Butalejja district during an operation of dismantling ADF rebel’s recruitment cells.
Police spokesman Fred Enanga has confirmed the arrest of two additional suspects bringing the total number of suspects to nine – 7 males and two females – along with the recovery of several guns.
Enanga said the rescued victims including juveniles were recruited into terrorism activities from different regions of the country after being promised scholarships and jobs abroad.
“Like I have indicated, we have 9 suspects. The two females are wives to four suspects charged in court that inlcuded a one Katende and his group who attacked busiika and killed two police officers and stole 2 guns.
“Like we have always indicated, the attcaks are hostilities against Ugandans from one enemy known as the ADF,” he noted.
According to Enanga, Police have embarked on the process of reuniting victims to their families with the intent of investigating families’ connection to ADF.
“We are focused on eliminating individuals who are allegedly involved in acts of hostility against Ugandans and violation of the rule of law,” he added.
Enanga has confimred that they will continue to monitor spaces where agents and perpetrators use to mobilize vulnerable ugandans, into ADF linked acts of terrorism.
The cell in Butalejja was acting as a domein for recruitment, and collection center of children who are introduced to ideological messages and beliefs of the ADF.