How Uganda’s youth are shaping the future of politics

Dr. Michael Kyomuhendo, a political science professor at Makerere University, notes that the youth are increasingly realizing the power of their collective voice. 

In a country where over 75% of the population is under 30, Uganda’s youth are no longer just spectators in the political arena—they’re becoming the driving force behind change.

From grassroots activism to contesting local elections, young Ugandans are stepping up to influence the policies and decisions that will shape their future.

This surge in youth political engagement marks a significant shift in Uganda’s political landscape, one that experts believe could redefine the nation’s governance.

Dr. Michael Kyomuhendo, a political science professor at Makerere University, notes that the youth are increasingly realizing the power of their collective voice.

“We are witnessing a political awakening among Uganda’s youth,” Dr. Kyomuhendo says.

“They are no longer content with being sidelined; they want to be at the forefront of decision-making processes. This is evident in the growing number of youth-led movements advocating for change, whether it’s fighting for transparency in government or pushing for better job opportunities.”

This awakening is exemplified by figures like Praise Opolose, an activist from Kampala who recently spearheaded a campaign for youths on corruption of walk to parliament.

“We are the future, but that future starts now,” Opolose asserts. “For too long, decisions have been made without us, and it’s time we changed that. We’re organizing, we’re mobilizing, and we’re making our voices heard.”

Nakato’s efforts, alongside many others, have already begun to bear fruit, with a notable increase in youth participation in recent elections and policy debates.

As Uganda’s youth continue to rally for greater influence, their impact on the nation’s political trajectory is becoming impossible to ignore.

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