Celebrate cautiously during the festive season – Bp Luwalira

Rt Rev Luwalira made this appeal at the official consecration of St Mark Ssekiwunga Church of Uganda in Entebbe on Sunday.

The Bishop of Namirembe diocese Rt Rev Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira has appealed to Ugandans to take care of their lives during the festive season.

Rt Rev Luwalira made this appeal at the official consecration of St Mark Ssekiwunga Church of Uganda in Entebbe on Sunday.

“I want to appeal to fellow Ugandans to be careful about their lives while rejoicing during the festive season,” he said.

“People shouldn’t forget the outbreak of both COVID-19 and Ebola. We have not yet been cleared by the Ministry of Health. We have to be cautious and take all the precautionary measures to prevent the rampant spread of both Covid19 and Ebola,” he advised.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development Dr Ruth Nankabirwa says that St Mark Ssekiwunga Church of Uganda is a unique Church which was constructed on the foundation of the bible.

“This church was built on the foundation of the bible. It’s a unique one and not found anywhere across the world since its construction is based on the bible teachings” she said.

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