Education ministry sets dates for TVET selection
The TVET Policy 2019, Standard 24, section 5 of the TVET Operational Standards, stipulates that admission of trainees under TVET shall be decentralized.

Ministry of Education and Sports will from 20th to 23rd this month commence the 2023 selection process for Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
The commissioner of TVET, Loy Muhwezi, says that the three-day exercise will take place in regional selection centres across the country.
According to Muhwezi, in the academic year 2022, a total of 30,490 trainees were enrolled in Technical/Vocational/Farm institutes, Community Polytechnics and Technical Schools.
She added that Vocational/Farm/Technical Institutes registered an increase of (1,363) 25.5% females and 1,654 (11%) male trainees. The overall increase in enrollment in 2022 was 3,017 (34.8%) for this category.
“Uganda Community Polytechnics and Technical Schools registered an increase in enrollment of 646 (34.7%) female and 1,059 (27%) male trainees. The total increase in enrollment was 2,312 (83.9%) for this category,” she said.
This time round the Ministry of Education is expecting an increase in enrollment of 21,776 trainees for these categories of institutions and an overall enrollment of 40,000 trainees.
Citing the NRM manifesto, Muhwezi explained that enrollment in TVET institutions is very low and called for relaxing admission procedures to improve access and increase enrollment.
The TVET Policy 2019, Standard 24, section 5 of the TVET Operational Standards, stipulates that admission of trainees under TVET shall be decentralized.
It is against this background that the Ministry initiated and implemented decentralized admissions for the first time in 2021.