GIRLFRIEND’S DAY: Celebrating female friendships, not gifts from boyfriends

The misconception that National Girlfriend's Day is another Valentine's Day can overshadow its true purpose.

National Girlfriend’s Day, observed annually on August 1st, is often misunderstood as a day for boyfriends to shower their significant others with gifts. However, the true essence of this day lies in celebrating the invaluable friendships between women.

Dr. Amanda Nsubuga, a social psychologist specializing in relationships and gender studies, emphasizes that the day should be seen as a celebration of sisterhood.

“National Girlfriend’s Day is about recognizing and honoring the bonds that women share with their female friends. These relationships are a cornerstone of emotional support, shared experiences, and personal growth,” says Dr. Nsubuga.

The misconception that National Girlfriend’s Day is another Valentine’s Day can overshadow its true purpose.

“Gifts and romantic gestures have their place, but this day is more about acknowledging the unique and important role that friendships play in women’s lives,” Dr. Nsubuga adds.

She notes that female friendships often provide a space for women to express themselves freely, share their struggles, and celebrate their achievements without judgment.

Social media has been a double-edged sword in this regard. While it can spread awareness about the day’s true meaning, it can also perpetuate the idea that boyfriends should participate by giving gifts.

“It’s crucial to shift the focus from material gifts to emotional and social support. Women can celebrate this day by spending quality time with their friends, reflecting on their shared memories, and appreciating the strength they draw from these connections,” Dr. Nsubuga advises.

History of the day

According to National Today that’s responsible to keep track of fun holidays and special moments on calendars, it’s not known for certain who created National Girlfriend Day on August 1 but the strongest claim seems to stem from Mistress Susan who runs a luxury website.

She says that she created and celebrated the date in 2004 as a chance for gal pals to express gratitude to each other.

The history of female friendships and gal pals is of course much longer than the day itself. Girls have been friends for so long that there is no way we can trace back to the first-ever female friends, so instead, we’ll mention some of the more notable gal pals from recent times.

The Edinburgh Seven were a group of female friends who fought to become the first women to go to medical school in the UK in the 1860s.

Despite studying medicine at Edinburgh University, they were barred from graduating and becoming doctors. Their determination put women’s rights on the national agenda and led to laws in 1876 that allowed women to study medicine at university. The Edinburgh Seven had paved for the way for the female doctors of the future.

Around the same time as this, Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were forming a friendship that would become revolutionary.

The two were the founders of the women’s rights movement in the United States and were the trailblazers that pushed for white women’s suffrage. The two initially met in 1851 and it was in 1869 that they formed the National Woman Suffrage Association.

Gal pals are always there for each other and have a history of fighting against the tide to achieve great things together. Make sure you take some time out on National Girlfriend Day 2023 to let your girlfriends know how much you appreciate them.

In a world where romantic relationships often take centre stage, National Girlfriend’s Day offers a valuable reminder of the power and importance of female friendships.

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