Ministry of Finance launches plan to review NDP III
The 3rd Deputy Prime minister, Rukia Nakadaama, urged DPI programme institutions to reflect on how they should collectively contribute to the programme as individual institutions to make it effective in its implementation.

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED) Thursday launched the Development Plan Implementation (DPI) Programme Annual Review for FY2021/22 under the theme, “Positioning the Development Plan Implementation Programme for effective and efficient delivery of the NDP III results.”
The DPI Programme regards planning, budgeting, mobilising resources, coordinating, monitoring, evaluating, researching, statistics and reporting on the implementation of the National Development Plan Three (NDP III).
In his opening remarks, Amos Lugoloobi, the State Minister for Finance, urged stakeholders to identify key impediments to the achievement of the programme’s objectives and devise remedies.
He committed to supporting the implementation of all agreed actions.
Ramadhan Ggoobi, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, noted that DPI is one of the 20 NDP III programs that aim at addressing weaknesses responsible for the slow implementation of previous NDPs.
Among other weaknesses, Ggoobi cited limited financing and fiscal management, weak coordination, weak systems for statistical development and weak Monitoring & Evaluation systems.
The 3rd Deputy Prime minister, Rukia Nakadaama, urged DPI programme institutions to reflect on how they should collectively contribute to the programme as individual institutions to make it effective in its implementation.
Nakadaama who officiated at the launch of the programme noted that this is particularly important because their role is to enable all the other NDP III Programmes to deliver effectively and efficiently on their mandate and ultimately, the NDP III results.
“Therefore it is appropriate to take off time under this review to reflect on our programme’s actions and achievements against the targets we set at the beginning of the year FY2021/22, the challenges we faced and lessons we pick from these experiences,” she said.
She noted that the review also gives them as the government an opportunity to discuss and agree on emerging issues and make recommendations as a programme, which they will undertake to implement over the next period.
“I also wish to point out that it is important that we do not take the annual reviews as a ritual. This is a very important activity that will help us deliver the key Results of the DPI Programme and specifically, our promises to the people of Uganda,” she added.