More funding, more visibility: Power of communication to NGOs

In a landscape where visibility drives trust, and trust drives investment, an underfunded communications strategy can be the Achilles’ heel of even the most impactful initiatives.

As time changes in this fast-paced digital world, organizations are realizing that being findable is just as important as being fundable. The secret? An effectively funded communications department.

Organizations that prioritize funding for a communications department are not only more visible but also more attractive to funders.

In a landscape where visibility drives trust, and trust drives investment, an underfunded communications strategy can be the Achilles’ heel of even the most impactful initiatives.

Take the example of non-profits and small businesses—sectors where every dollar counts. These organizations often struggle to break through the noise, with limited resources to tell their story.

We managed to speak to 2 anonymous communication specialists from 2 different organizations who gave their views on this funding.

“In the non-profit world, we often see communications as an afterthought, but the truth is, without a well-funded communications department, our impact stories remain untold.” Said Zaid Mukiibi (Not his real names).

He believes that it’s not just about pushing content; it’s about building relationships and trust with stakeholders and without proper funding, organizations are left invisible to potential donors.

He went on to explain that, “However, those that invest in robust communications teams are finding themselves at a distinct advantage. With professional branding, targeted social media strategies, and compelling storytelling, they become findable—catching the eye of investors, partners, and donors.”

Halima Nakato (Not her real names), highlighted that a strong communications department is the backbone of any organization’s public image.

She said, “When funding is inadequate, we struggle to maintain consistency and clarity in our messaging, which can lead to a loss of credibility. Investing in communications is not just about visibility—it’s about maintaining the trust of our audience.”

But it doesn’t stop at visibility. An effective communications department doesn’t just attract attention; it keeps it. Consistent, clear, and engaging communication builds credibility, making these organizations fundable.

Roland Gyemba a digital marketing professional emphasizes that donors and investors are more likely to open their wallets when they know an organization is transparent, accountable, and committed to its mission—all traits showcased through strategic communications.

In contrast, underfunded communications departments struggle to maintain a strong presence, leaving their organizations in the shadows. Potential supporters simply can’t find them, and opportunities for funding slip through the cracks.

As the global marketplace becomes increasingly competitive, organizations can no longer afford to skimp on communications.

The path to being both findable and fundable lies in recognizing the strategic importance of a well-funded communications department. It’s not just about telling a story—it’s about making sure the right people hear it.

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