Museveni’s daughter Diana applies to dump husband’s name Kamuntu
I intend to formally and absolutely renounce and abandon the use of the name Kamuntu and assume and adopt in place of that name the name of Kyaremera.

When a woman marries a man; traditions demand that she takes up the husband’s name in honour of the marriage. Some marriage laws also make similar demands or suggest so.
In a similar manner, when the two separate, the woman is expected to drop the husband’s name to return to her original name or make room for another name in case she remarries.
But also, a woman can just choose to return to her original identity or just take up another for any other reason other than separation divorce. After all, we live in a free world with boundless freedoms.
It is therefore baffling and intriguing to see President Yoweri Museveni’s youngest daughter Diana Museveni applying to drop her husband’s name Kamuntu.
Diana is married to Geoffrey Kamuntu. Diana has been married to Geoffrey since 2004. The two also have children.
According to a notice in the gazette, Diana, who has been identifying as Diana Museveni Kamuntu, has applied to the National Identification Registration Authority (NIRA) to change her to Diana Museveni Kyaremera.
“I intend to formally and absolutely renounce and abandon the use of the name Kamuntu and assume and adopt in place of that name the name of Kyaremera,” Diana said in a notice dated 29th of September 2022.