River Kafu flooding destroys chunks of gardens, farmers stranded

The River at the border between Hoima and Kyankwanzi districts burst its banks after a heavy downpour on Monday disrupting business and transport in the area.

Over 500 farmers cultivating adjacent to the River Kafu banks in Hoima and Kyankwanzi districts are counting losses as floods from River Kafu have submerged garden crops.

The River at the border between Hoima and Kyankwanzi districts burst its banks after a heavy downpour on Monday disrupting business and transport in the area.

Officials from the district stated that the floods have submerged several hectares of crop gardens, especially in the villages of Kikonda and Kyamusakazi in Kyankwanzi, as well as Katereiga and Karongo in Buhanika sub-county, Hoima district.

The affected farmers are now calling on the Office of the Prime Minister to provide relief food to the communities and save them from possible starvation.

Buhanika sub-county Chairperson Jamil Kasangaki said authorities are compiling a list of the affected residents and will forward the names and property destroyed to the Office of the Prime Minister for assistance.

Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) also issued warnings to people settling adjacent to the river banks to vacate immediately since the water level keeps increasing and is likely to cause more havoc to the neighboring communities.

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