ULS President Ssemakadde expels Attorney General and Solicitor General from council

The action reflects growing concerns about Uganda’s declining justice system, characterized by disregard for the rule of law, impunity, and erosion of public trust.

In a decisive move, Isaac K. Ssemakadde, President of the Uganda Law Society (ULS), has expelled Attorney General Kiryowa Kiwanuka Nsumikambi Mugambe and the Solicitor General, along with their representatives, from the ULS Council.

The action reflects growing concerns about Uganda’s declining justice system, characterized by disregard for the rule of law, impunity, and erosion of public trust.

Ssemakadde emphasized that the ULS, as a guardian of the legal profession and defender of justice, must uphold principles of fairness, integrity, and accountability. However, he asserted that the recent actions of the Attorney General and Solicitor General have undermined these values, compromising the integrity of the legal profession.

He cited multiple reasons for the expulsion, including conflicts of interest arising from the Attorney General and Solicitor General holding ex officio positions on the ULS Council. This concern, previously highlighted in the Prof. Ssempebwa ULS Report (2012), was echoed during the recent ULS leadership campaign.

Attorney General Kiryowa Kiwanuka faces several allegations of misconduct, including:

– Failing to resign from private legal practice while in office, violating Articles 2(2) and 113(4) of Uganda’s Constitution.

– Causing financial loss to the government through questionable compensation deals totaling Shs 28.8 billion related to the Namanve-Luzira 132kV Transmission Line and Associated Substations.

– Misadvising the Cabinet and other leaders on judicial matters, undermining the independence of the Judiciary.

– Interfering with judicial appointments, including those of the Judicial Service Commission and the Law Development Centre.

– Imposing unconstitutional fees for accessing Ugandan laws digitally through the Uganda Law Reform Commission.

– Condoning torture and undermining bail rights, contrary to Uganda’s international human rights commitments.

In response, the ULS has resolved to launch a forensic investigation and public inquiry into the Attorney General’s conduct. Ssemakadde noted that this action is intended to protect the independence of the legal profession and restore public confidence in Uganda’s justice system.

By expelling the Attorney General and Solicitor General from the ULS Council, Ssemakadde aims to reaffirm the society’s commitment to justice, fairness, and accountability. The ULS remains dedicated to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that no individual is above it.

Ssemakadde’s actions demonstrate his strong commitment to defending democracy, human rights, and the principles that uphold Uganda’s legal system.

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