Here are the health and nutrition benefits of consuming fats like ghee, butter and fresh cream

According to Dr Kitaka Sabrina, a senior Pediatrician, ‘research proves that ghee is low in fat, and contains healthy fats with good cholesterol to add to one’s body.'

A campaign by Fresh Dairy has been unveiled focusing on healthy fats like ghee, butter and fresh cream. The campaign has been called #MyPlateMyFoodMyHealth.

This campaign highlights the need for consumers to ensure that they personally select healthy foods to go onto their plates because the food one eats in turn determines one’s health.

Vincent Omoth, the Marketing Manager of Fresh Dairy highlights that ghee made by Fresh Dairy is pasteurized, butter is both salted and unsalted and the cream is freshly made.

Omoth says that Fresh Dairy has given consumers options to select from in terms of sizes for the fats such as Fresh Dairy Butter comes in 250g Unsalted and Salted pack sizes; Fresh Dairy Ghee comes in 500ml and 1 Litre tins while Fresh Dairy Fresh cream comes in 5 Litre Jerrycans.

Strengthens one’s immunity

According to Dr Kitaka Sabrina, a senior Pediatrician, ‘research proves that ghee is low in fat, and contains healthy fats with good cholesterol to add to one’s body. Ghee contains Butyric acid which is good with the digestive system and strengthens one’s immunity and is also a dependable source of critical oil-soluble vitamins A and E that are needed for a healthy liver and balanced hormones.’

Dr Kitaka Sabrina also adds that Butter contains Vitamin D which is vital for bone growth and development, makes the skin, nails and hair look healthier and also contains Vitamin K1 and K2 which play a significant role in preventing tooth decay.

Supports growth of body tissue

Dr Kitaka also notes that Fresh cream contains a significant amount of Vitamin B2 which supports growth of body tissue, supports brain functionality and rejuvenates the health of red blood cells which supply oxygen and transport nutrients to the right places in the body.

Fresh Dairy has also on boarded renown Chef – Mutale Michael to showcase to consumers how Fresh Dairy fats – Butter, Ghee and Fresh cream can be used to prepare various popular Ugandan and continental meals.

A chef’s experience

For instance, Fresh Dairy Ghee is popular with Katogo (Matooke mixed with Groundnuts, Offals or Cow peas); Fresh Dairy Butter is popular with bread, bakes and pastries while Fresh Dairy – Fresh cream is popular with soups.

These are among the recipes that Chef Mutale will showcase to Ugandans online to learn how to prepare meals using Fresh Dairy healthy fats.

Renown Food Critic and Consultant – Apollo Kadumukasa Kironde II is also on board to sample and review food recipes prepared as part of this campaign to ascertain taste, aroma and retell his entire experience to guide consumers.

Chance to win with Fresh Dairy

Consumers will also as part of #MyPlateMyFoodMyHealth campaign be invited to post across their digital platforms recipes prepared using any of the Fresh Dairy fats – Ghee, Butter and Cream to stand a chance of winning Fresh Dairy goodies and shopping vouchers hand given to them by either Dr Sabrina Kitaka, Chef Mutale Michael or Food Critic Apollo Kadumukasa Kironde II, said Omoth.

Omoth further said that Fresh Dairy works with both small and large farmers from whom we source the milk we use in all our products every day, which makes Fresh Dairy Fats – Butter, Ghee and Fresh Cream 100% Ugandan.

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