Does the disappearance of Anita Among’s bodyguard authenticate her assassination claims?

For a senior security officer in charge of protecting the Speaker to mysteriously abscond his duty is no small matter especially now when the principal he is supposed to be protecting is talking of assassins following her.

The Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda astonished Ugandans when she recently told the country that unknown assassins are trailing her and want to bump her off.

She said she was in possession of a report with the gruesome details of the said assassination plot. She added that she had shared the report with Mathias Mpuuga, the Leader of Opposition.

“Whoever thinks he/she is going to assassinate Anita, I was put in this chair by God; if anybody wants, I have my village to go to; I will serve until I get tired,” Speaker Anita Among, also the district woman MP for Bukedea district, said on the floor of Parliament.

But before the matter comes to a conclusion, reports that the Speakers chief bodyguard, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Aggrey Aruho disappeared and ran off to the United States of America without official clearance.

Daily Monitor newspaper reports that ASP Aruho travelled ostensibly to attend the 34th Uganda North America Association (UNAA) convention that took place in San Francisco in the state of California from September 2 to September 5.

For a senior security officer in charge of protecting the Speaker to mysteriously abscond his duty is no small matter especially now when the principal he is supposed to be protecting is talking of assassins following her.

The police and Parliament have both instituted investigations into the matter. Parliament on their side has suspended two staffers – Louis Bakyenga, the principal private secretary to the Deputy Speaker, and  James Bamuwamye, a protocol officer – for assisting ASP Aruho to get a US visa.

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