Fred Enanga: Was he a liar or loyal spokesperson?

The legacy of former police spokesperson Fred Enanga is a topic of heated debate. Was he merely a mouthpiece for the police force, dutifully doing his job, or did he cross the line into deceit?

The legacy of former police spokesperson Fred Enanga is a topic of heated debate. Was he merely a mouthpiece for the police force, dutifully doing his job, or did he cross the line into deceit?

Supporters argue that Enanga was simply fulfilling the responsibilities of his role. As a spokesperson, Fred Enanga had a duty to present the police force’s perspective, manage public relations, and maintain calm during crises.

Being a spokesperson of Uganda Police, to Fred Enanga often involved conveying the organization’s stance, even if it means omitting certain details.

Enanga’s defenders say he was a dedicated professional, skilled at navigating the delicate balance between transparency and protecting institutional integrity.

John Lutaaya, once a journalist comments, “Fred Enanga was committed to his job. He communicated what was necessary to maintain order and public trust.”

Critics, however, accuse Fred Enanga of being a liar who misled the public on several occasions. They argue that he frequently presented skewed narratives to protect the police force’s image, even at the expense of truth.

In some instances, Fred Enanga issued statements that were later contradicted by evidence, and fueled allegations of dishonesty. Critics point to his handling of controversial incidents, where initial police reports were proven inaccurate, as leading to public mistrust.

Jane Akello, a human rights activist, asserts, “Fred Enanga had statements that often lacked transparency. His role seemed more about protecting the force’s reputation than serving the public’s right to know.”

Some believe the truth lies somewhere in between. They acknowledge the constraints and pressures of being a spokesperson, while also recognizing the ethical challenges of the role.

This perspective suggests that Enanga’s actions  were a mix of professional duty and occasional misrepresentation.

Dr. Peter Mukasa, a communications expert, notes, “The role of a spokesperson is complex. Balancing honesty with organizational loyalty is challenging. Enanga’s tenure reflects these inherent tensions.”

During his time as a police spokesperson, Fred Enanga has a legacy that remains contentious. Whether viewed as a dedicated professional or a manipulative liar, his career highlights the challenging nature of public communication roles.

As the debate continues, it underscores the need for transparency and ethical standards in spokesperson roles.


New role

Three days back, Senior Commissioner of Police (SCP) Fred Enanga, who has been police Spokesperson for nearly seven years, was appointed Deputy director Interpol- Uganda.

Enanga, who will deputize Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP) Grace Akullo, has been replaced with Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Rusoke Kituuma.

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