HILDA NSIMIIRE: Will G77+ China summit contribute to climate mitigation and adaptation?

While heads of state, government officials, international industry leaders, private sector representatives, academics, experts, youth and non-state actors were in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates for COP28 between 30 November and December  12, 2023, they tabled their demands including the loss and damage fund that was initially agreed upon during COP27 that was held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, 2022.

Fortunately, the loss and damage fund was operationalized and countries from the global North pledged to provide funds equivalent to $700 million, including $108 million from both Italy and France, $100 million from UAE and Germany and $17.5 million from the U.S to help the lower-income countries cope with the loss and damage caused by climate change.

Uganda is supposed to be among the first countries to benefit from the loss and damage fund because it has suffered the significant impacts of climate change including prolonged drought, unending floods, landslides and changes in weather patterns.

According to the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative (2021), Uganda ranks as the 13th most-vulnerable country in the world to climate change and 160th out of 192 nations in readiness to confront the threat. More so, currently, 17 out of the 20 countries most threatened by climate change are located in Africa.

It is absurd that the loss and damage fund that was promised during COP28 has remained unmet, a factor that has prompted many people to demand for the fulfillment of the promises made.

On Saturday January 20, 2024, a group of climate activists led by Debt for climate change were reported by the media demanding G77 to amplify their voices over the loss and damage fund during the G77+China summit.

This is because G77 is the largest intergovernmental group of emerging countries in the United Nations that provide the means for the countries of the global South to articulate and promote their collective economic interests, enhance their joint negotiation positions on major international economic issues within the UN system and promote South-South cooperation for development.

The presidents also during the G77 and China summit in Uganda noted that it is now the moment for developed countries to react on the issues regarding climate change in the developing countries. Therefore, to achieve such, the loss and damage fund need to be provided to the developing countries especially African countries since they are the ones significantly affected by climate change.

The release of funds should be with no conditions attached to enable the Global South countries especially African countries utilize the available funds freely to address the drastic climate change that can hinder the collective economic interest among countries. Funds attached to conditions tend to reduce the ability of countries to respond to the most urgent needs of the communities.

This article was written by Hildah Nsimiire-a climate change activist

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