How Mbarara Man Won URA Motorbike

Mr. Byaruhanga, a Mbarara district resident, casually purchased 3rd party insurance from Excel Insurance Company and demanded for his receipt. When his son, Willan Akoragye, heard about URA’s ongoing “MpaReceiptYange” caravan was coming to Mbarara for the lottery draw and the grand prize of a brand new Bajaj Boxer, he convinced his father Mr Byaruhanga to submit the receipt. In a way that has since left the entire family pleasantry surprised, the receipt won the grand prize a few days ago. Willan Akoragye, who was part of the Mbarara crowd went wild with excitement. The announcer called his father Mr. Byaruhanga’s name but he was away in Rukungiri. The day’s MC put him on loud speaker and broke the good news to him. Later he handed the phone over to the son and the two shared a very joyous telephone conversation. “I told you dad. I told you we would win,” said Willan to the father. In the Bajaj Boxer which they won, Willan sees an opportunity to transition from the job he was doing currently (Parking Receipt Issuer) to a life of self employment as a boda boda operator. “I encourage all Ugandans to embrace the culture of asking for their receipts. I also thank URA for this oppprtunity,” said an excited Willan as he rode away atop his motor cycle. According URA’s Assistant Commissioner Corpprate Affairs Ian Rumanyika, the “MpaReceiptYange” team is will be taking the fun to many other Ugandans towns. He says: “All that Ugandans ought to do is to arm themselves with theirs receipts for an opportunity to win.” Rumanyika reveals that this week the Caravan will be in Arua, Lira and Gulu districts where many more Byaruhangas will effortlessly walk away smiling to the bank after the draw.