IGG’s pobe into Uganda Cancer Institute uncovers internal tensions

The minutes also suggest that the Board was causing confusion within the institute, as the Board Chair allegedly held a meeting with staff without management's knowledge.

A few weeks after the Inspector General of Government (IGG) launched investigations into alleged mismanagement at the Uganda Cancer Institute (UCI), new details have surfaced, shedding light on internal conflicts and power struggles within the institute.

Leaked minutes from a UCI management meeting held on July 8, 2024, reveal that Executive Director Dr. Jackson Orem informed members that the IGG had asked the Minister of Health, Dr. Ruth Aceng, to take action against UCI Board Chairperson Prof. William Bazeyo.

However, Minister Aceng declined, instead asking the IGG to send a formal recommendation to her office before she would act. The IGG reportedly responded that there was no strong basis to recommend the removal of Prof. Bazeyo.

Dr. Orem noted that multiple issues had attracted the IGG’s attention, leading to instability at the institute. He also accused the Board of interfering with management, stating that the Board had not responded to any letters from the IGG and was blaming management instead.

The minutes also suggest that the Board was causing confusion within the institute, as the Board Chair allegedly held a meeting with staff without management’s knowledge.

“The Board Chair influences other members, using the board lawyer Michael Mayambala to mislead them,” a source noted in the meeting.

The meeting proposed defining the roles of the Board, revising the UCI HR manuals, and revisiting the UCI Act of 2016 to clarify the Board’s role in managing the institute.

However, questions remained unanswered, including how many members should attend the Institute’s management meetings and how decisions are made.

An inside source indicated that the meeting on July 8 was attended by only nine members, with one doctor sending an apology. The source suggested that these minutes were being used to support allegations against the Board.

“The truth can be found in the Uganda Cancer Institute Act of 2016, which outlines the functions of both the Board and the Executive Director. The Executive Director seems to be challenging the powers granted to the Board by the Act,” the source added.

The UCI Act of 2016 states that the Board is responsible for the general direction and supervision of the Institute, overseeing operations, advising the Minister on cancer-related matters, reviewing and approving business and operational plans, appointing and disciplining staff, and providing guidance to the Executive Director, among other duties.

A source close to the matter stated, “The Executive Director Dr. Orem appears to have overstepped his role, taking on functions meant for the Board, which is unethical. I urge the IGG and the Ministry of Health to handle the UCI’s issues carefully to avoid being influenced by certain staff or other parties.”

When contacted, Dr. Jackson Orem declined to comment, referring inquiries to the IGG’s office, citing that the matter is still under investigation. Efforts to reach Prof. Bazeyo, the Board Chair, were unsuccessful.

Michael Mayambala, UCI’s Company Secretary, stated that he had no comment on the allegations, but expressed confidence that “the truth will come out in time.”

IGG Spokesperson Munira Ali confirmed that they are aware of the UCI report and that the investigation is nearing completion. “The report is almost ready, but I have not checked the outcomes yet. I will provide updates after the meeting,” she said.

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