Memorandum signed to ascertain digital skills gap in Uganda
ICDL is an international organization dedicated to raising digital competence standards in the workforce, education and society.

The International Computer Driving License (lCDL) Foundation has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance in which it has committed to supporting the government to undertake digital skills assessment to ascertain the level of the digital skills gap in the country.
During the signing of the memorandum, the permanent secretary Ministry of ICT, Dr Aminah Zawedde, explained that this MoU will be implemented in five years through a collaborative effort.
She added that this is part of the broader government engagement with key partners that are geared towards enhancing the government’s ability to deliver eServices to the citizens of Uganda as envisioned in the Digital Uganda Vision.
“This is a significant milestone for the Ministry of ICT & NG guidance in our quest to ensure that government employees and citizens have the requisite skills to support and use the e-Government initiatives. I commit to providing necessary support to ensure this MoU is a success,” she noted.
Among the key issues to be worked upon in the signed memorandum include;
- Establishing digital skills standards for the workforce in Uganda.
- Enhancing digital skills training delivery across the different structures in our education system.
- Promoting the reskilling and upskilling of the government workforce to acquire appropriate digital skills to support e-Government service delivery.
- Support the realization of the Digital Uganda Vision.
Solange Umulisa, the General Manager of ICDL Africa, was pleased about this milestone, and that Uganda will be added to the lists of governments that they were directly partnering with to promote digital skills within government and the citizens.
“We are committed to enabling as many as possible to acquire 21st-century digital skills. We commit our total support to this MoU. We look forward to celebrating the successes of this MoU,” she noted.
ICDL is an international organization dedicated to raising digital competence standards in the workforce, education and society.