Police launch investigation into Bobi Wine’s injuries after Bulindo confrontation

Accounts of what happened next are conflicting. Police claim Kyagulanyi stumbled while getting into his vehicle, but Kyagulanyi and his team allege he was shot.

Police have launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding injuries sustained by Honorable Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, also known as Bobi Wine, following a confrontation with officers in Bulindo, Kiira Division, Wakiso District, on September 3, 2024.

The incident occurred shortly after a Thanksgiving ceremony where Kyagulanyi, invited as a guest of honor by lawyer George Musisi, attempted to lead a procession towards Bulindo town. Despite warnings from the police about potential traffic disruption and public order concerns, Kyagulanyi proceeded, resulting in a heated confrontation.

Accounts of what happened next are conflicting. Police claim Kyagulanyi stumbled while getting into his vehicle, but Kyagulanyi and his team allege he was shot. Videos circulating on social media show him stumbling amidst tear gas near his car, further fueling speculation.

Police Spokesperson Rusoke Kituuma confirmed that an investigation has been initiated to uncover the facts of the incident, including the alleged shooting. He noted that CCTV footage has been reviewed, showing moments of disruption and violence, with several officers injured and police vehicles damaged.

Kituuma stated, “We are committed to investigating all aspects of the altercation, including any claims of misconduct or violence. The aim is to establish the truth and address any underlying issues contributing to these confrontations.”

The investigation will focus on gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses to determine what transpired and whether any actions violated legal or ethical standards. The police stressed the importance of transparency and accountability in resolving this matter.

As the investigation unfolds, there are growing calls for clarity and accountability, with many demanding a thorough probe into the incident and its implications for public order and safety.

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