Police registers 76 road crashes during Easter Holiday
Faridah Nampiima, the traffic police spokesperson, noted that these crashes were mainly attributed to over speeding.

Traffic police directorate has registered a total number of 76 crashes which occurred during Easter Holiday. It said 28 of these crashes were fatal, 40 serious and 8 were minor.
Addressing journalists during the weekly police breifing at Police headquarters in Naguru, Faridah Nampiima, the traffic police spokesperson, noted that these crashes were mainly attributed to over speeding.
She highlighted that among all the crashes, 113 victims were reported to have been involved in the accident.
“37 of these victims died, 76 sustained serious injuries. We have victims by road user category, were 1 driver died and 8 sustained serious injuries. 10 motorcyclists died and 22 sustained serious injuries,” she added.
Among other victims included pedal cylclists, where one died and 2 sustained serious injuries, 3 passengers on motorcycles died whereas 15 sustained serious injuries, among other victims.
Nampiima called upon pedestrians to be more careful while walking along the roads, as 12 died and 8 sustained serious injuries, this making the pedestrian category to have majority fatalities.
“Pedestrians accounted for the highest number of road users killed, contributing to 32.4% . These were followed by motorcyclists who accounted for 27%. Passengers in other vehicles accounted for 21.6%, passengers on motorcycles accounted for 8.1%, passengers in omni bus accounted for 5.4% and no passengers died in heavy and medium vehicles,” she said.
Other causes of the easter holiday crashes included careless over taking, sudden turning without indicating, following other vehicles too close, neglecting right of way, sudden entrance while joining the roads, as well as break failure among others.