Police to investigate spike in crimes targeting private security guards

Uganda police are also working hand in hand with the association of private security companies, regarding sensitization on priority threats within their guard points and also external threats from people who attack their guards.

The Uganda police have raised concerns regarding the surge of crimes targeting private security guards, where some are being attacked and guns taken away.

Since last year police have carried out operations in which robbers were arrested with guns believed to be belonging to private security guards that were always used in different robberies.

According to SCP Fred Enanga the Uganda police spokesperson, this has prompted them to investigate these crimes along with the poor custody of transportation of firearms, by private security organizations and guards.

“These crimes include attacks against each other at work arising out of conspiracies to steal and go. We have seen violence against their clients including petrol stations, sports betting companies, factories, and residential homes,” said Enanga.

Carrying out their investigations, Enanga cited incidents like in Nateete where security guards erected an illegal roadblock, but fortunately enough the victims were very bold and vigilant to grab one of the guns.

“When they grabbed the gun, this resulted in the arrest of the suspects. These concerning behaviors do inflict tremor, agony, and anger amongst these clients victimized by this indiscipline.” He said.

Further in their observations, the police spokesperson noted that there has been continuous poor handling and custody of firearms by the private security guards.

According to Enanga, last month police wrote to the association of private security organizations, asking them to intensify their supervisory measures to guard against incidents of negligence that have the potential of having these guns robbed.

“Robbing these guns jeopardizes the safety and security of members of the public. On several occasions, we have seen lone armed private security guards negligently carrying their guns, others loitering recklessly, and others moving on boda bodas. All these are risky methods,” he explained.

To investigate the spike in crimes targeting private security guards, police said through their directorate of operations, they are to get more initiatives to prevent such tragedies from happening.

Among these, commanders from different police units have been directed to arrest individual errant security guards in breach of the guidelines that were issued to them last month. These guidelines according to the police are very clear under the statutory instruments shared with the private security organizations.

“so, the arrests are supposed to be conducted then second the confiscation of guns that are being poorly handled by these private security guards. At the headquarters level, we have 7 private security organizations that are being investigated to have their licenses canceled. An additional 20 private security organizations are also being evaluated for suspension for a certain period so that they can comply.” He added.

All these companies’ processes are to be concluded this week and in the next week, police will be issuing the list of 20 private security companies that have been suspended for non-compliance, and 7 others whose licenses have been canceled.

Uganda police are also working hand in hand with the association of private security companies, regarding sensitization on priority threats within their guard points and also external threats from people who attack their guards.


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