Ten reasons to visit Uganda

Uganda boasts a varied and thriving landscape that is home to an abundance of rare and exotic wildlife. Go in search of elusive chimp in tropical rainforest and observe giant gorilla in its natural habitat. Here are ten reasons to visit Uganda.

1. Gorillas

You’ll never forget the moment you first lay eyes on a gorilla in the wild in Uganda. Rise at dawn to trek through the humid jungle. Anticipation builds as you battle through the aptly named Impenetrable Forest, scaling steep paths and trudging through muddy ravines in search of these majestic creatures. Then, as if out of no-where, the ranger reveals a family of gorilla chewing bamboo shoots, scratching their heads and climbing trees. Time seems to stand still as you observe these gentle giants relaxing in their natural habitat – a mystical experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.

2. Chimps

Wander through the tropical rainforest of Kibale in search of wild chimpanzee, red-tailed monkey and black and white colobus chimps. Hidden amongst the lush vegetation, these elusive primates can be hard to find. But, just when you’re ready to give up, you hear high pitched screeching echoing through the forest, and a troop of chimps comes hurtling towards you in a frenzied procession. Unfazed by your presence, these wide-eyed creatures play behind a curtain of emerald green leaves before gradually retreating back into the jungle.

3. Variety of wildlife

In addition to gorilla and chimp, there are many varieties of other wildlife to discover in Uganda. Herds of water buffalo wallow in the shallows of the Kazinga Channel in Queen Elizabeth National Park and elephant march along dusty dirt trails. Keep your eyes peeled for elusive tree-climbing lions on a game drive in the Ishasha region of Bwindi National Park and spot elegant antelope dancing through the long grasses.

4. Friendly locals

The people in Uganda are incredibly friendly and open, and welcome visitors with a wave, big smiles a great sense of fun. Local children look impeccable in their school uniforms as they walk along the dusty roads towards Bwindi, and they feel a sense of pride sharing their home with gorillas who occasionally stroll into the small village. The younger generations are taught about conservation and understand the importance of protecting these incredible creatures for many years to come.

5. Verdant landscapes

You’d be forgiven for thinking that a country in Sub-Saharan Africa would be arid, dry and golden. But this couldn’t be further from the truth in Uganda. The landscape is dominated by emerald green plantations growing bananas, tea and coffee. Bwindi National Park is home to more than 1,000 flowering plant species and 200 different trees, many of which are endemic. Keep a lookout for African green broadbill, colourful butterflies and countless rare mammals on your travels.

6. Adventure

Unspoiled and raw, Uganda presents a real sense of off-the-beaten-track adventure. Feel like an intrepid explorer as you travel through the remote and desolate regions of Uganda and enjoy the undulating ride as you bounce over undeveloped roads and across grassy plains. Basic market stalls erected from knotted tree branches offer a variety of locally-farmed produce, and families go about their errands in mud-hut villages

7. Remote mountains

Take a guided walk in the foothills of the majestic Rwenzori Mountains to find far-reaching views of jagged peaks and verdant hillsides soaring into the cloud-studded blue skies. Colourful butterfly flutter along the trails and exotic birds fill the air with sweet melodies as we make our way to the stream of a giant cascading waterfall.

8. Picturesque waterways

Water is prevalent throughout the Ugandan landscape; the source of the mighty River Nile is even found here. Lush vegetation thrives in this water-laden environment, with lakes, waterfalls and picturesque waterways commonplace. This makes for a rich and beautiful scenery that supports the survival of the country’s incredibly diverse range of wildlife.

9. Conservation

By visiting Uganda, you are helping to protect one of the most endangered creatures in the world – the gorilla. Eighty per cent of the money raised from gorilla permits is used to fund conservation projects that support the survival of one of our closest primates. Furthermore, the local economy benefits from the economic and employment opportunities that travellers bring to the area.

10. Responsible tourism

Not only will your Explore trip to Uganda help the endemic wildlife, it will also help to improve the standard of living for local people. Responsible tourism is a key part of our core values, and we provide support to the local people through the employment of local group leaders, guides and drivers for our Uganda trips. We also sponsor the Bwindi Hospital, which specialises in HIV treatments.


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