Electoral Commission Appoints Dates For Bukimbiri County Voters’ Register Displays
Last month, the Electoral Commission (EC) has released the roadmap for Bukimbiri County by-election following Court of Appeal ruling that threw out incumbent MP Eddie Kwizera Wagahungu.

Voters in Bukimbiri County constituency in Kisoro District will starting 2th to 21st July 2022 be able to clean up their voter’s registry in preparation for the upcoming by-election of Member of Parliament.
The Electoral Commission said the display of the voter’s register shall begin at 8:00 am and end at 6:00pm on each day including weekends, at each polling station in Bukimbiri County.
According to the Electoral Commission, the exercise will enable voters to check the correctness of their particulars like name and photograph. The voters will also be able to recommend the removal from the register names of people who died, are underage, non-residents and those who appear on the register many times.
“This is an important exercise which could determine whether you vote on polling day or not, therefore, come and check for the correctness of your particulars on the register.” Justice Byabakama Mugenyi Simon, the chairperson, Electoral Commission said.
Last month, the Electoral Commission (EC) has released the roadmap for Bukimbiri County by-election following Court of Appeal ruling that threw out incumbent MP Eddie Kwizera Wagahungu.
Justices Frederick Egonda-Ntende and Eva Luswata ruled that the ballot papers that were used in the January 2021 election were defective.
Shortly after the election, James Owebeyi of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) petitioned court over non-compliance with the electoral laws.
In the roadmap, the Bukimbiri County by elections will be held on August 11. The nomination of candidates will be conducted on Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd August, 2022 at the office of the district returning officer, Kisoro.