MP Ssekikubo wants Mpuuga, other three Commissioners of Parliament removed

Ssekikubo argues that the commissioners' actions including allocating themselves service awards, fall bellow the expected conduct of parliamentarians.

Theodore Ssekikubo, Lwemiyaga County Member of Parliament has called for the removal of all the four MPs from the Parliamentary Commission, over the Shs400M-Shs500M they shared amongst themselves as service award.

According to Ssekikubo, their ouster will restore the dignity and integrity of Parliament, and also maintain and strengthen the public trust and confidence in Parliament.

He made the remarks during a press briefing at Parliament where he called for the removal of; Esther Afoyochan (Zombo DWR), Prossy Akampulira (Rubanda DWR), Solomon Silwany (Bukooli Central), and Mathias Mpuuga (Nyendo-Mukungwe) from their positions as members of the Parliamentary Commission, accusing them of misconduct when they made deals to award themselves a monthly salary of Shs23M, on top of the salary they’re already drawing as MPs without seeking approval from the House.

“They (Commissioners) never presented it (service award proposal) to Parliament, it was kept a secret, it wasn’t known, it was their deal and we say, this can’t be left unchallenged. The conduct of the members affronts the dignity of Parliament; it degraded public trust and confidence in the institution of Parliament,” he said.

He noted that the conduct of these members amounts to misbehavior, and misconduct thereby, making the aforementioned members liable to be removed from the office of the Commission of Parliament by the Rules of Procedure of Parliament, the Constitution and Administration of the Parliament Act.

“They created a service award which is unknown to law and in law, thereby failing in their duty to uphold the laws of Uganda. This is unknown and as you are aware, this very Parliament in the 10th Parliament had thoroughly investigated the so-called service award by MPs now how come it is now being put back, you remember it was the oil handshake which we find alien and unknown in law,” Ssekikuubo argued.

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