NUP to subject MP Kagabo to disciplinary procedure despite Parliament forgiving him

The committee also observed that by admitting to making false accusations against the Speaker and even going ahead to apologize to the House in one of the sittings,  Kagabo didn't waste the committee’s time.

National Unity Platform (NUP) will subject Bukoto South MP, Twaha Kagabo, to a disciplinary procedure despite being forgiven by Parliament and Speaker of Parliament Anita Annet Among for lying that the House Speaker bribed him with Shs40m recently.

Kivumbi, who in Tuesday’s sitting, acted as Leader of Opposition, said that NUP, the party he and Kagobo belong to, has a standard they hold onto their members. He said NUP will pick up the matter and subject it to a disciplinary procedure.

However, Bugweri County MP, Abdul Katuntu, and deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa protested and said Kagabo shouldn’t be punished further because he has been forgiven.

“I hope there won’t be retribution against Hon. Twaha for an issue that the House and Speaker herself has pardoned even if it’s handled outside the House, Tayebwa said and encourage NUP to promote harmony.

Parliament adopted the report of the committee on rules, privileges and discipline on the inquiry into allegations of breach of the code of conduct for Bukoto South MP Twaha Kagabo and forgave him for lying that Speaker Anita Annet Among had given a bribe of Shs40m.

Kagabo, according to the committee, appeared before the media alleging that he had received Shs40m from the Speaker as a bribe and sought to return it to her. This didn’t settle well with the Speaker who referred the matter to the committee for inquiry and report back to the House.

It added that the false accusations made by the member against the Speaker portrayed Parliament, its presiding officers and members as corrupt in the eyes of the public which degenerates public trust and confidence in the integrity and function of the office of the Speaker.

The committee also observed that by admitting to making false accusations against the Speaker and even going ahead to apologize to the House in one of the sittings,  Kagabo didn’t waste the committee’s time.


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